Its the end of September..and, I took a trip down to Genting Highlands with my friends ^^ gonna tell some details bout the trip =)
okay..this time, we have 9 people on that trip! an increase of number of people compare to my previous trip, and also, we've stayed at Theme Park Hotel (the closest hotel to the entrance of the outdoor theme park XD)..well..this time, the room a bit special @@ or should I say, bigger! wider! spacious! haha! then..all of us reached our destination about 10.30a.m..after checking in the hotel, we left our luggage in the room and headed out..but then..the weather wasn't very nice for us to be playing at the we've stayed indoor for the whole day, playing bumper cars, ferris wheel, roller coaster (of course the not so intense one XD) then went for the 4D motion master, twice!! well..the story was different ^^ one was the robot of mars and the other was pirate story..the robot of mars was kinda nice, but the pirate story was kinda scary ~.~ lol..oh ya! we even got to eat Italian hand-made ice-cream! ^^ well..that sure wasn't cheap..but then..its Italian hand-made!! it was worth paying..the flavours are all so unique =D black sesame, chocolate marshmallow and many more, couldn't remember all the flavours..haha! still..its the best ice-cream I've every eaten!! ^^ the weather was amazing, the mist!! so thick till vision also blurred and its also cold XD thank goodness we didn't go for the outdoor theme park..then the day just gone by, we headed back to rest in the late noon, and came back out for dinner and a game of bowling during the night as well as a movie =D Johnny English Reborn! well..I must say, although is an action movie, it is still hilarious! xD
On the second day, we woke up and saw the nice clear weather! so we quickly have our breakfast headed down to the outdoor theme park, but sadly most of the main rides like corkscrew, space shot, cyclone, the flume ride(water splash! splash! xD) were closed on that day..but still, it can't be helped..we bought the tickets! so..still have to go and have some fun! swinging ship! merry-go-round, boat paddling, flying dragon and etc etc and we got separated too! @@ then we've headed to a restaurant and gathered to have our lunch! my lunch was.....spaghetti! 10 bucks for a plate~ well thats the price! and then..o.O can't really remember what we did next..I only remember I was exhausted walking around, half of the group headed back to take a nap ^^ and that nap was awesome! woke up 7pm, just nice to go for dinner! xD haha! headed out to causeway bay for dinner, hmm..ordered..not really sure what's the name for it, but its a set, with vege, soup, dessert, and the main course is duck, siew yuk, char siew and salted egg..that's one marvelous dinner! =D then..we headed to the bowling center! just love the effects inside, all glowing! ^^ after that, i think we went to the arcade again o.0 we visited the arcade quite alot of times this! some of them got addicted to the car racing game! later,'s almost midnight..we headed to kopitiam and yum cha..and then headed back..most of us were exhausted, i know i was~ but then, they still continue playing cards and drinking..i dunno what they call that, lower % of alcohol drinks! I din't join in..I was already half I hit the sack earlier, but then due to the noise level, I woke up after an hour or so~ then after awhile, all slept d..till the next fine morning!
most of us woke up quite late~ then packed everything, then we checked out, left our luggage in the lobby..AND thus, gone for shopping! then we went to the hot pot restaurant for our brunch..steamboat! muahaha! the food there was good, had lots lots of oyster xD lol..wanted to have more!! ^^ but oh well..leaving space for some other food xD spent about roughly two hours there..after that, we continue shopping! ^^ hehe! gotten a gift from my dar dar ^^ wanted that for quite long d, and I've finally gotten it! and then last destination, we headed over to the main arcade center to exchange the points for gifts..gotten lots of keychains..this time it was nicer than previous one =) we went back to the hotel lobby, waited for our transport and we headed back home..and there's the end of my trip..I must say..the weather in Genting for this trip, is awesome! ^^ its almost like living in a slightly cold country ^^ enjoyed the weather the most! although it was kinda cold @@ haha!!
Before the day of that trip, I was like "come on, come on! hope that the day would arrive sooner" then in a blink of an eye, the time flies and then i was like "awww man..its already over?" i guess it's true that happy and enjoyable times go by very quickly..o.O and vice versa~ hmm..what if time stops when i'm in Genting? o.O awesome? XD haha!
oh well..i guess that's all for now, i think i miss some details~ oh memory storage not that good XD lol..hmm..wanted to put some pictures but then..something went wrong with my I'll just typed it all out..=D
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Dream of The Night
On Tuesday night..I was sleeping till Wednesday morning..there.reality had entered Dream World..
I break it into a few scenes , so it would be easier to be read o.O although I'm not quite sure what's really going on in my mind XD
Well..this dream is more like a scene from movies, just a small part of those many many movies that I've watched, this will be a long long long post XD this is one of my weirdest and strangest dream ever..
Characters- me, my bf ^^, unidentified kidnappers(don't feel the aura of killing from them, only got the weird feeling from them), and some other people xD
Places- a street, a deserted room somewhere in the middle of nowhere? xD
The reason why many things are unclear because even I myself can't really remember about it..LOL!! well, it is a dream after all..
I break it into a few scenes , so it would be easier to be read o.O although I'm not quite sure what's really going on in my mind XD
~Scene 1~
I had uncountable dreams, but have not encountered such a dream...I'm not sure how long this dream lasted, but as far as I can remember, it all started in a place, a street perhaps which are not too crowded with people, and I was standing somewhere along that street, after awhile.. something happened (don't ask what or why, I don't know the detail either, LOL)..The next part is after that "something" happened, my dream somehow led me to a place like a deserted room somewhere in the middle of nowhere, then my mind was thinking "kidnapped?" @@...
~Scene 2~
I was awaking and in an unconscious condition (I think I got hit on the head earlier @@) I overheard some people talking (the unidentified kidnappers) about something about me, but can't really hear them..Well, since I'm in the room, and those people are outside, I started to search for my belongings..I was surprised to see that none of my things were missing..(FYI, the things mentioned here includes- the almost multipurpose bag I bring almost everywhere XD)..The people outside were still busy talking all the way, so I searched for my phone in the bag..
~Scene 3~
Then, after I found my phone, I quickly text someone (my bf, because of daily texting each other, it became a habit to text him first @@ so eventually the dream also followed the flow XD *seriously, I did not made this up, this WAS in my dream @@*)..I text "S.O.S HELP ME!!" and sent that message..After awhile, I gotten a reply, "har??", then I took some pictures of the surroundings through a small window in that room and sent it..Later on, there was no reply (while waiting for the reply, I cleared my phone's data)
~Scene 4~
All of a sudden, I heard footsteps coming closer towards the door, I quickly put back everything in place, and pretend to be still asleep..Then the kidnappers checked around and went back out, I was relief..I got back up, and take a look at the surroundings and tried to locate where I am, but unfortunately with my super bad sense of direction, I am totally clueless on my whereabouts (this sounds just like me in reality, right? XD but hey! I am the one who is in the dream XD).. after cracking my head finding for ways, I suddenly felt hungry(hmm..sounded exactly like me again, huh? XD)..I went and searched my bag, I found biscuits! and I gobbled it up..After eating, I took a look at my phone, and there was still no reply..
~Scene 5~
After awhile, perhaps around the late evening, I suddenly heard noises coming from outside the compound..So, I stood up and peek through the window..I saw a few people in a distance, running towards this direction..Then, the kidnappers suddenly rushed into the room and wanted to bring me somewhere else..So I just followed..While following them, I tripped and fell knocking my head onto something (the careless me ~.~ yikes!)..The kidnappers left me there, and flee, but then I saw images of people chasing and fighting(unarmed, I think it's those kidnappers and the few people) and..due to the impact I get from hitting my head onto that something, I was about to be unconscious..I saw a blurry image of a guy (I think that's my bf XD haha!!) in front of me trying to keep me awake, but then, the moment I fainted back in the dream, I was teleported back to reality and I woke up..
I took a look at the time and it was about 6something in the head was kinda dizzy and heavy, like I din't get enough sleep, maybe because I was dreaming!! @@ Then, I continue sleeping on the bed, thinking about that dream I many parts of the dreams are missing or maybe I've forgotten some as soon as I woke up..oh well..its just a dream..but this is an interesting and yet a weird dream XD
Dreams are wonderful, aren't they? beyond the reality! as far as one could imagine! =D but of course..there are scary dreams sometimes..
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Copied this from a friend in facebook, just thought of putting it here as display =)
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Here I Am...
Here I am..again..
It's like every normal nights in Kampar, surfing the net, watching The Suite Life series (by Dylan and Cole Sprouse), and playing Tetris Battle..and..will be heading back to Ipoh tomorrow after dinner..hmm..has been quite long since I've gone back to Ipoh, two or three weeks perhaps? @@ can't really remember with my STM brain ~.~
The new semester has already begun..and yet, I don't even feel like it has..maybe its because most of my friends are proceeding to degree and some already in degree, just about to finish their exams and gonna have their holidays soon..sigh, whenever I think about this or heard people saying bout stuffs like that, it brings my mood down..(*blames myself for being not smart enough, and still trying achieve my unreachable goal*) sighs...okay then..I think that would be the end for this moody and down paragraph..

(has been quite awhile since I've watched anime, and pictures are one of the way to express the feelings *thought of randomly searching one pic and place it here, lolx*)
Hmm..well, in another 24 hours, I'll be home sweet home =D looking forward to that! nites all..
Friday, September 16, 2011
Life Goes On~
And so........

I've gotten my final examination results yesterday, and as i predicted, failed my maths1 again =='' and the rest, I manage to pass through..thank god I've finally passed my accounts!! ^^ I'm happy for that, and a bit unhappy about my maths1.. although I already knew that I'm gonna get a big red F for my maths1..*inner mind*--(I'm Gonna Pawn You Hard This Time, Take My Words!! ain't letting you pawn me for another time!!)
And so.........
After this weekend, it will be the BEGINNING of my LAST semester in foundation..I'll give 101% to pass it!! I hope I keep my words :x lols..I'm extremely good at slacking~ hahas!! but for the sake of time and money, I need to work hard, and achieve it! or else I'll be falling way back..
okay~~ enough about these stuffs..let's find another topic about something else.. like.. err... hmm.. can't think of anything much right now @@ perhaps some random stuffs.. o.O
okay~~ enough about these stuffs..let's find another topic about something else.. like.. err... hmm.. can't think of anything much right now @@ perhaps some random stuffs.. o.O
like ohh!! got it =D recently, my maple mei mei, Kitty, recommended me videos or i prefer to say comic strips, maplestory series..well it's also very touching, beside the Demonic Wings and Scarlet Chains that I've watched before, this one is called The Star's Tears.. although there're some grammar and spelling mistakes, but overall, this is great! I would a rating of 9/10 =D but then. the final episode won't be out till december T-T according to the author o.O well then, I shall wait for the finale! muahahaha! here's the link for the first episode, and as for the rest of the episodes, it's of course available in youtube..And the person who made this is SummerAmore..(just a note, in case anyone who wants to watch this, so won't be looking for the wrong series)

ain't this small little mushroom cute? ^^ hehes..
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Okay!! I will be free for a whole week, since my finals just finished, and i din't go back Ipoh.. So will be here, in Kampar for quite awhile..and so..since i'm so free..i might as well just drop by for awhile when the internet is still available..
why do I say ''when the internet is still available'''s because recently..started on Tuesday to be precise, my internet connection was experiencing a PROBLEM..from morning till night, I can barely online, is like the line is way to slow to connect..or I could enjoy a 5mins internet for the whole day only..and then right about 11something at night, the internet comes back smoothly, then I could online the whole midnight till early morning, then it goes crazy again..I dunno whether is the line problem or someone is twinkling with it =='' today's line is smooth as usual, surprisingly~~ anyway putting aside this irritating problem~~
*goes into another topic*
and now~~ let's see..I've been really slacking lately~ over slacking! xD the carefree life where everyone hope for, i think @@ do everyone hope for that kind of life? but course can't be carefree forever..LOL! I have been wondering about the course that I want to take for my degree..I still can't decide which course~~ any ideas? hmmm..My brain is quite a slow one, and can say pretty bad in calculation stuffs..memorizing stuffs, i can say is so so like i'm a-good-for-nothing person! haha!! really need to put more effort for the next semester!! it will be my final WAR! till then..we shall see~~ muahaha~ to talk about d o.O okay then! tata xD
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Hello September!
Finally, my final examinations are over~ although I only taken 3 subject this semester..lols..but it is still a stress moment!! and finally it is all over now..and I could finally take a break from studying, before I start with my MUET studying again -.- but either way, I'll just enjoy life for now, before things start to get heated up again ~.~
let's see..hmm..well..I've been spending the last few days alone in Kampar T-T well..not really alone, still got friends around, but still~ ahahaha~ oh well! moving on..hmm..there will be another Genting trip after 2 weeks from now..this time, there will be 9 of us going! that's quite a large group @@ lols! well till then, i shall update when the trip is over xD besides than that, for now.. I
actually don't really know what to say~ I'll just crap something up in my next one..haha!
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